We use a Live Booking system (Joinin - Love Admin) that handles our payments/timetables/registers and emergency contacts.

Bullers Wood - All Competitive Squads
Our Squads are by invitation only. You can apply for our squads, via the form below. You will then be emailed to discuss any experience your child may have and we can organise a trial in one of our squads.

Bullers Wood - SQUAD Holiday Sessions
Our squads take part in holiday training. This is a compulsory part of their training to ensure they keep up their strength, fitness, flexibility and skill level over the longer holidays. Quite often the competitions fall within weeks of when we return from holidays so holiday training can be important when gymnasts are being considered for selection.

Birthday Parties
They will be held at our Bromley venue. We can allow a maximum of 16 children including the birthday girl/boy. For non-members it costs £22.00 per person. For members it costs £20.00 per person.
They will be doing 1 hour 30 minutes of gymnastics which will include gymnastics games and working on the apparatus. There will then be half an hour for food. The party will then finish with sweet bags provided. If there are any dietary requirements / allergens we would need to be notified 3 weeks prior to the date of the party. In addition, we can add a few tailored sweet choices if the birthday girl or boy has any!
Please note, food and decorations (other than sweet bags) will NOT be provided. But you are more than welcome to bring any food and decorations. We allow up to 30 minutes set up time before the start of the party and expect that everything is cleaned down and away taking no longer than 30 minutes after the party has finished.
We will require a £75.00 deposit for non-members and a £50.00 deposit for members to make this booking which will need to be manually transferred to Vivace Gymnastics LTD bank account, which will then be provided.
The remainder of the price needs to be paid on our booking system no later than 2 weeks before the party.
We just want to note here also our refund/cancellation policy for parties.
Deposits will not be refunded :
- Cancellations 3 weeks before - no additional payment
- 2 weeks before - 50% of your remaining booking costs must be paid
- 1 week before - full party must be paid for.
- Day of the party - full party must be paid for.
- No shows - full party must be paid for.
If you have booked a party and need to provide emergancy contact details, please fill in the form below :
To book parties please click the link below:

Private Sessions 1-2-1's
Our 1-2-1 sessions are £37.50 per hour with a discounted rate during half term.
We either offer a 1 hour session or a 2 hour session, this will be your choice, but if 2 is chosen and coaches identify that this is too long for the gymnast and they are struggling to train for that long you will be advised to choose the 1 hour option for the next time you book.
Block bookings for 1-2-1's are available and they will be at a discounted price.
All private gymnastics sessions are dependent on what is currently in the diary and all spaces are on a first come first serve basis only. You may request other dates and times other than whats on the link below but it will depend on whats in the diary.
Depending on whats happening in the diary, you may be asked to stay on site during 1-2-1’s for safeguarding reasons. Our governing body require another adult/coach in the room at all times during a 1-2-1. But you can email in and find out pre session whether you are required to stay.
To book your private sessions, click the link below
British Gymnastics
We are an affiliated to the National Governing Body of Gymnastics - British Gymnastics.
As part of the British Gymnastics community you'll get exclusive discounts and offers via your personal online membership portal. They have carefully curated offers with their members in mind, as an added benefit of their membership.
We expect all members that train term time (except Parent and Toddler and Adult Classes) to ensure they have British Gymnastics membership. This renews every year at the end of September.
You will receive support from fully qualified British Gymnastics coaches and assistant, trained to the highest standard, who will help to guide you through your development in a safe and friendly environment.
A full comprehensive insurance package that will give you complete peace of mind that you’re protected whilst taking part.
All of the latest gymnastics news straight to your inbox when you sign up to receive GymBlast, their monthly email. Here, you’ll also receive notifications about special discounts and offers available to you.
Assistance every step of the way from their Customer Support team. They’re available via email or over the phone to give you advice and guidance throughout. If you have any questions, they will be more than happy to help.
Contact : customersupport@british-gymnastics.org
0345 1297129
To organise your British Gymnastics Membership please click below :

London Gymnastics
London Gymnastics is the Regional Governing Body for Gymnastics. Our Members - the Clubs, Coaches, Gymnasts, Judges and Volunteers lie at the heart of everything we do.
Working to create a better future for the sport, London Gymnastics has affiliated to the National Governing Body - British Gymnastics, allowing a comprehensive support service to the Region’s Clubs and Technical Committees as well as providing the very best Coach and Judge education system and a wealth of volunteering opportunities.
Affiliation to London Gymnastics opens up many benefits. Member Clubs receive a fantastic competition programme and unrivalled technical know-how for each discipline of gymnastics. The region offers competitive programmes in all disciplines, at all levels including grass roots and ‘Gymnastics for All’ (GFA) activities. Plus, national events that include the well renowned London Festival of Gymnastics along with the Men’s London Open and Challenge Open competition.
All squads have an affiliation fee which is calculated with their yearly bill.

Love Admin / Joinin Infomation
Please be aware that Love Admin runs using a Direct Debate Mandate from London and Zurich.
What this means is that we have the freedom to choose either a Direct Debit payment (needed for our squad classes) and can pay with a one off payment (needed for our non-competitive classes). It means we do not need to use 2 different payment providers. For all classes other than squad classes we only use a one-time payment so you will only be charged for the payment you can see on the invoice you are settling.
The DD mandate runs on BACS, so once its been sent away and checked that all the details are correct (London&Zurich and your bank will communicate) it will then charge you, this can take between 7 and 11 days for the first payment on the account, so do not be alarmed if it states processing on your account. Not all classes automatically enrol onto the next term.
If you log in to your account and click payments you can see any outstanding payments, purchase history (this should be where you can see the status of any pending payments), scheduled payments (if applicable to your class), any purchases that are awaiting approval from us and your DD mandate provider (London&Zurich, you can see the status of your mandate here).
All payments need to be made through this system, as its not only our payment host but also runs our registers, consents and emergency contact details which are all required for people to train with us.